Drama Therapy in Academia introduces students to the basic theories and practices of Drama Therapy, focusing on how these techniques can enhance the student’s personal experience within the performance realm.
Read MoreBuilt using 3D gaming technology, ProReal’s immersive platform helps you create a visual representation of how you experience a situation, enabling you to explore different perspectives, visualize better futures, and solve problems.
Read MoreWhether you are an educator, the head of HR, a PTA member or a small business owner, providing workshops for employees and students is an essential part of creating a cohesive environment and a positive mindset.
Read MoreAlexis loves the opportunity to speak to audiences of all sizes. She is passionate about Drama Therapy and its efficacy and wants to share her knowledge with anyone searching for something to better their lives!
Read MoreNot everyone feels comfortable starting out with 1:1 therapy sessions, especially if you have never sought counseling before. Group therapy helps individuals develop communication skills and socialization skills, and allows clients to learn how to express their issues and accept criticism from others.
Read MoreDrama Therapy can be used in this setting in a variety of ways, from group work to individual sessions to family sessions, all focusing on tapping into the hidden memories that can be stored within our bodies, and providing them with a platform to release those memories.
Read MoreA private Drama Therapy session looks different for each client based upon their ultimate goal. For example, a client may come in with goals of increasing self esteem, combating anxiety and depression, decreasing social anxiety, or becoming more engaging.