Alexis Maron Alexis Maron

Why Do You Feel That Way?

We are living in divisive times, and we can see this division being played out right before our very eyes. And you know why? Because, no matter the topic, we tend to default to a place of defensive communication, as opposed to leaning into curiosity and feelings.

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Alexis Maron Alexis Maron

The Difference Between Feelings and Emotions

Many people think that feelings and emotions are the same thing – but they're not! Emotions are what trigger feelings. For example, an emotional response to new love can bring on the feelings of butterflies in the stomach and sweaty palms.

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Alexis Maron Alexis Maron

How to Overcome Feeling Overwhelmed

We all feel overwhelmed from time to time. We might be juggling too many commitments, dealing with work pressures, or navigating relationship expectations. Combine that with everyday chores, keeping up with social media and the latest trends, and finding the time to relax?

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Alexis Maron Alexis Maron

Your Head vs. Your Heart vs. Your Gut: Who Wins?

What do you do when you have a decision to make – but feel torn about what to do? Sure, you can make a pros and cons list. That can be a truly helpful tool for your brain, but it can leave out the key ingredients of decision-making: what’s in your heart, and what your gut instinct is telling you.

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