The Aftermath: Healing After a Break-Up
You’ve reached a hard limit. You’ve been in your relationship for enough time to understand habits, and to be able to pinpoint your own true feelings and those of your partner. Today, you have realized that even though you love each other, there is a deep incompatibility, and it’s a deal breaker.
This moment is heartbreakingly painful, and it is important to recognize that. Yet, at the same time, it doesn’t have to be devastating. Previously, I wrote about the journey leading up to this moment, and how to discern if it is time to “say when” and change the dynamic of your relationship. One of the recommended steps is to ask yourself if the boundary that is being tested takes you one step closer to or further from a personal life goal. If you answer that it is taking you away, then this is probably one of the main reasons why the relationship isn’t working for you, and it is time to leave. This decision can be an EMPOWERING one, and it is that mindset that we need to keep as the goal.
When we are in a relationship that challenges us, it is important to rely on the internal moral compass that typically points us in the right direction. If a boundary is being tested, and yet it feels right and you are excited to stretch and to grow, then that compass is pointing you towards your true north. You will grow TOWARDS your partner, and feel like you are working on something to bring you closer together. On the other hand, if you are starting to feel anxious, resentful and even angry at the thought of making an internal change, then perhaps this boundary is not one to test, and it is time to stand up for what you need and want, and check in to see if this is a true necessity for your partner.
You realize you don’t see eye to eye on some deal breakers, so now what?
1. First things first: Be gentle with yourself. It doesn’t matter if you have been with someone for two months, or for two years, ending a relationship, and breaking a habit is stressful. During the first couple of days and weeks, it is important to be kind to yourself, practice self-care, and keep in mind that a break-up can be comparable to a death. There is a grieving process that needs to be honored, and if you skip any of the emotional phases from anger to denial, they might come back to visit you later.
2. Transition needs room to breathe. If you are living with your partner, this separation can be even more challenging, but finding your own space is essential to the healing process. Our own physical space is one of the most influential factors in how we feel, so stay with a friend, or get a hotel room for the night or a week, but either way, take some physical space in order to re-group, and re-build.
3. Once you have some distance, both physically and emotionally, it is more likely that you will be able to make a decision from a healthier place. We often stay in toxic relationships out of fear...the fear of change and not knowing what’s on the other side. Once the big fear is confronted, we can look back on the relationship with a clear perspective and make a decision from a place of abundance, as opposed to a place of lack.
4. Lean on your family and friends. During a period of grief, some of us deal by isolating and cutting off our support system. Don’t do that! Let those who truly know and support you into your process, and let them be there for you. It is more than acceptable to ask for help and accountability during this fragile time.
5. Take time for yourself without judgment. After a break-up, there are many questions. Unresolved issues pop up, leaving you confused and questioning. On top of that, friends and family want to know what’s next for you, and what your status is. To those questions, you can simply reply “I don’t know about any of that, but for today, I am pursuing my own happiness.” Your happiness is the top priority in all of this.
6. Lastly…..have fun. There is no doubt that you had wonderful times with you partner, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t make happy memories with other people. Get out, and do something new, challenging or plain old fashioned fun. This will boost your endorphins, and help you build more memories to draw from for strength.
“If a boundary is being tested and yet it feels right and you are excited to stretch and grow, then that compass is pointing you toward you true north. ”
We go into fight or flight mode in these stressful times, and our cave-man minds like to remind us that we don’t want to be alone; therefore we make hasty and instinctual decisions for survival purposes. We get rushes of emotions and missing that person, and wondering if we have made the right decision. It is crucial to steel yourself against that pull, and keep in mind the long-term goals you are seeking. Remember, you broke up for a reason, and if distance and time ultimately brings you closer together, that’s a bonus. Allow this time to be one of reflection, happiness seeking, and goal tending, and your true north will be revealed.
We are living in divisive times, and we can see this division being played out right before our very eyes. And you know why? Because, no matter the topic, we tend to default to a place of defensive communication, as opposed to leaning into curiosity and feelings.