Alexis Maron Alexis Maron

Identity Crisis: Losing Touch with Yourself and Finding Your Way Back

Sometimes, you look at yourself in the mirror and barely recognize yourself. But don't turn away. Look deep into your own eyes and recognize that you've lost your sense of identity. Our identity is who we are at our core. It's an incredibly important and personal element that we must be in touch with at all times.

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Alexis Maron Alexis Maron

The Difference Between Feelings and Emotions

Many people think that feelings and emotions are the same thing – but they're not! Emotions are what trigger feelings. For example, an emotional response to new love can bring on the feelings of butterflies in the stomach and sweaty palms.

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Alexis Maron Alexis Maron

Personal Shame Can Be Good. Toxic Shame…Not So Much.  

Social media "gurus" are making countless videos on the subject of shame, which has ignited many conversations with my clients. Our discussions lead to realizations that range from inspiring and uplifting to shock and relief because many don't know that there are two forms of shame: healthy and toxic.

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Alexis Maron Alexis Maron

How to Overcome Feeling Overwhelmed

We all feel overwhelmed from time to time. We might be juggling too many commitments, dealing with work pressures, or navigating relationship expectations. Combine that with everyday chores, keeping up with social media and the latest trends, and finding the time to relax?

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Alexis Maron Alexis Maron

Your Head vs. Your Heart vs. Your Gut: Who Wins?

What do you do when you have a decision to make – but feel torn about what to do? Sure, you can make a pros and cons list. That can be a truly helpful tool for your brain, but it can leave out the key ingredients of decision-making: what’s in your heart, and what your gut instinct is telling you.

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Alexis Maron Alexis Maron

The Proper Care and Feeding of an Entrepreneur

Do you spend your Friday evenings watching Shark Tank with a partner who is constantly getting irked at the equity offer of the potential investee? Do conversations with your partner inevitably lead to some brand-new scheme about how to make more passive income?

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Alexis Maron Alexis Maron

The Aftermath: Healing After a Break-Up

You’ve reached a hard limit. You’ve been in your relationship for enough time to understand habits, and to be able to pinpoint your own true feelings and those of your partner. Today, you have realized that even though you love each other, there is a deep incompatibility, and it’s a deal breaker.

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