Therapist • lifecoach • Speaker
Become The Hero In Your Life Story
Become The Hero In Your Life Story
Alexis Maron helps individuals, couples, and companies create a more balanced approach to life through drama therapy and mental health support.
Are you struggling to live a happy, productive and connected life?
I find it difficult to communicate with my peers, partner or loved ones.
I am feeling burnt out, over-worked, or dissatisfied with my life.
I am unsure of what to do to move forward.
If any of these situations sound familiar, I want to share a secret with you…
You are worthy, capable, and completely deserving of a Joyful life!
I combine drama therapy techniques and counseling, incorporating dramatic elements such as role-playing so that you can actively see and believe in the ability for you to change your life.
Instead of just talking, you are doing, becoming kinetically aware of your mind and body, embracing your inner voice, and learning more about yourself and how to better handle the stress and complications that life brings to each one of us.
Conquer the challenges holding you back
Couples & Relationships
Couples & Relationships
The number one reason why couples seek traditional counseling is due to a communication breakdown that leads to lack of trust and begins to quickly dismantle an otherwise healthy, loving relationship.
Drama Therapy can provide the jump-start to help couples find the excitement and open communication that they experienced at the beginning of a marriage or relationship and the common ground that can build a stronger place from which to understand each other.
Trauma & Grief
Grief and trauma
Grief and trauma will take a person on a journey that is intense and painful and unpredictable, and it is less of a problem to be fixed as it is more of a process to be lived out.
Grief, and especially traumatic grief often leave people feeling confused about what is happening to them and wondering what to do next...and whether or not they can survive.
Working with a professional can be incredibly helpful because we act as sounding boards for your grief, as someone removed from the tragedy.
Addiction & Recovery
Addiction & Recovery
Traditional therapies hold that the main focus of the therapy work should be working around the issue of illness and healing -
But, often times, when someone is in rehab for any number of reasons, what they need/want is a sense of escape and release, or the the chance to be someone else for an hour, which is what Drama Therapy provides safely and effectively.
Anxiety & Depression
Anxiety & Depression
Anxiety and Depression are two of the most common issues that urge clients to seek therapy.
They can be experienced separately, but they often go hand in hand, and can be caused by an acute outlier event or may be something that is struggled with on a daily basis. No matter the cause, they can be incredibly draining and frustrating, and make day to day living a chore.
Within our sessions, we will work on figuring out the root causes of these issues and then find ways to creatively solve the equation of “why do I feel this way?”
Special Needs
Special Needs
Normalization is such an important concept when working with clients with special needs.
Drama Therapy assists those with mental delays such as Down Syndrome, Autism or Aspergers to learn and apply appropriate social skills and emotional responses in their interactions, by promoting an emergence from isolation. As a side effect, these clients often experience raised self-esteem and gained insight into feelings that have been previously felt very foreign to them.
Sex Therapy
Sex Therapy
The concept of coming to someone to discuss their sexuality with a therapist may be difficult. You may be confused as to what questions to ask.
For some clients, thoughts are difficult to express and they even fear that they may not be 'normal'. The important thing is to relax and understand that when talking with me, it is a 100% judgment-free space.
First and foremost, when deciding who to work with in a therapeutic environment, the client must feel safe and respected. Without those items in place, it is almost impossible to create the trust needed inside of the client/therapist relationship.
Adolescent Therapy
Adolescent Therapy
Drama therapy is incredibly effective with adolescents because they naturally possess the ability to move fluidly from fantasy to reality, trying on and playing out different roles.
In a Drama Therapy session, children have the freedom to play, and share a bond with the therapist, granting them permission to share their hurts or concerns through the safety of storytelling. If you've ever read a fairy tale to a child, you understand the concept of the child wanting to see themselves in that story. They have the uncanny ability to project themselves into existing stories, and then share their wishes through that medium.
A child may benefit from a Drama Therapy session to help them express overwhelming feelings that they are having and do not yet have the vocabulary for.
Good communication skills begin with being able to find your own voice and then clearly share what it is that you want!
Once you get clear on your own needs and desires, what used to be challenging conversations can start to become something fun.

Drama Therapy in Academia introduces students to the basic theories and practices of Drama Therapy, focusing on how these techniques can enhance the student’s personal experience within the performance realm.