"Semper Gumby"


If you, or someone close to you is a member of the United States Marine Corps, (first of all, thank you for your service) and second, then you are most likely familiar with the unofficial Latin motto “Semper Gumby.” Referring to the adorable, green, animated clay character Gumby, it means "Always Flexible” and encourages one’s ability to roll with the punches and go with the flow.

For the most part, individuals operate under two opposing premises: either you dig your heels in and become rigid about things, or you let go and do your best to get along and work with the team. It just so happens that under stress and pressure, one’s true colors come out, and we tend to lean heavily in one direction or the other. 

When it comes to issues that question your deepest morals and value systems, it is understandable to want to protect those at all costs, so doing your best impression of a stubborn donkey is valid and makes sense. Yet, in these ever-changing, and uncertain times, it will truly be the most flexible amongst us that find ways to be successful and happy. 

Being flexible does not mean that you have to compromise your sense of self, in fact, if anything, it allows you to bring your true self into focus, by questioning what it actually important to you. 

 Right now, we are all finding ways to be creative and make the best of our circumstances. What used to be face to face industries are now all online, and the daily routine that you used to stick to is now all over the place. Potentially, you are now a full-time teacher, as well as doing your day job from home. Yet, if you can find a sense of pleasure and excitement within the new set of expectations, with that, you will find a strange peace in this upset.

Even more importantly, if you can pivot quickly without complaint, you will come out ahead of the game! Adaptability is what keeps us alive and thriving. Couple that with keeping an eye out for the well-being of your friends, neighbors and family, and not being selfish in your thinking and this can be a great time to create a lifestyle that you desire.

Today, do your best to acknowledge something that you are being selfish about. Ask yourself if you are being a team player, or if you are making an issue about you and your needs over the greater good. Once you have it, identify if it comes close to disrupting a core value, and if not, then, you know the drill…make a different choice, adapt, breathe and let it go.

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