Alexis Maron Alexis Maron

A Field Guide to Pain and Suffering

Haruki Murakami: “Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.”

This complicated life that we lead is incredibly painful. Loss, grief, anger, transition…all things that cause us to stretch and grow also cause emotional discomfort. In fact, even the most beautiful experiences can feel bittersweet at times. Yet, when we try to avoid pain, we find ourselves experiencing a different type of discomfort: the sadness of a life not fully lived. As the quote says: “pain is inevitable” and that means there is no way around it. The only way is THROUGH.

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Alexis Maron Alexis Maron

Why Do You Feel That Way?

We are living in divisive times, and we can see this division being played out right before our very eyes. And you know why? Because, no matter the topic, we tend to default to a place of defensive communication, as opposed to leaning into curiosity and feelings.

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Alexis Maron Alexis Maron

That's Not Mine...It's Yours

Many of us find ourselves walking away from an intense conversation feeling the same way about the situation as the storyteller. We feel their disappointment or frustration. But why is it that we don't do the same when they share their excitement or appreciation?

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Alexis Maron Alexis Maron

The Proper Care and Feeding of an Entrepreneur

Do you spend your Friday evenings watching Shark Tank with a partner who is constantly getting irked at the equity offer of the potential investee? Do conversations with your partner inevitably lead to some brand-new scheme about how to make more passive income?

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